Destroy all privately held guns (take 2)

Personally I think one of the best ways of providing a safer and more peaceful (maybe) world is to destroy all guns that are not used for primary food production or personal protection from dangerous animals. Governments should buy them off their citizens so they are compensated and just destroy them. Recreational users who go to shooting ranges can use guns owned by the range so they are keep out of society. Gun users who hunt wild animals can do something else like go fishing or play golf. Governments who abuse their power by killing their own with guns face severe action from the rest of the world...which is not happening at the moment because the world is hoping the public will kill them off with "their own" privately held guns. Doesn't seem to pay to own them in this case too. Correct me if I'm wrong but t when innocent people are killed and they have no protection, someone steps in. When they have weapons to protect no-one gets in the middle, it's just a shoot out until someone wins,
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