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2 COPS might be better than 1

2024 COP in Azerbaijan fairly focusses on mitigation. That is, how can we help people affected by climate change. This takes the focus away from energised debate as to how humanity can stop climate change in its tracks, which we need to do, now. I suggest therefore there be an energised annual 'stop climate change' summit each year, as well as the usual COP meeting to consider all aspects of climate change. For example, here is a sample of media statements coming out of this years COP conference: "We have communities and people still at the edge of fragility. But at the area with which was inundated mostly, which is in my province of Sindh, in near the coastal areas there, the government - the provincial government - has launched a huge resilience project with with housing for 2.1 million people. It's taking its time; we are having to rebuild infrastructure and resilient infrastructure is $4 to $1, normal infrastructure. So it's really about the financing gap. We would scale it up if there was more money available." She is talking about projects being undertaken by Pakistan to prepare for more natural disasters, as climate change increases their frequency and intensity. How to pay for these kinds of projects is at the heart of current talks at COP29. But those discussions don't appear to be going well, if Simon Stiell from the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change is any guide. "I'm kind of seeing some glum faces. There should be some energy in this room. And if we're to drive that, those finance flows, it needs energy from many of you here."
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