Climate Change - Call to Action!
Failure to act quickly on reaching net zero emissions is causing immeasurable pain to the plants and animals of our finely balanced ecosystems.
That is a valid reason, of itself, to introduce policies that deal with the crisis now, as a matter of urgency.
But we are also learning it will cause immeasurable pain to our human descendants. They are the ones who will need to move entire cities while saddled with our literal and metaphorical debts.
Yet even that does not seem to move us.
What does it take for this current generation of self consumed, lazy, unthinking and idle people - and our fossil fuel industry influenced governments - to act?
Going by the media, it is only the threat to our very selves via extreme weather events that gains our attention.
But even then, the security of the self of tomorrow appears not to be as important as the comfort of today.
What is going on??
First, we need to wake up! We need to stop scrolling our finely algorithmized phones that permanently distract us from the big questions in life, and lift our chins to the horizon.
If we look up, we can see this:
We all need our governments to get working on renewable electricity grids, right now. We even need our governments to support other countries to do the same.