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One year on from the Voice referendum

It is a year since the Australian population took a vote on whether to give a voice to its indigenous population directly to the Federal Parliament. The Referendum lost. It needed more than half the population to vote yes, and in addition over half the states to do the same. It achieved neither, with only the ACT voting to support the concept. In fact 60% of the Australian population voted 'no'. Naturally, the conservative owned media in Australia had at the time pushed heavily the 'no' agenda. This combined with two prominent aboriginal identities advocating against it led to its defeat, as they gave permission to the quietly bigoted (or 'I'm smarter than you') majority to acquiesce to their prejudices. The hilarious thing is this: in this weekend's 'Weekend Australian', both that paper, which pushed the no agenda (yes, Murdoch), and the two Aboriginal identities, are taking shots at the government because nothing being done by this federal government for Aboriginal people a year on from the referendum. Are. they. . serious? If you bazooka to smitherines a ship because you personally did not like it, or would have sailed it differently, you cannot complain that there is no ship. If you voted against it, don't look at the government. Do it your way. Yourself.
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