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governments are good and global governance would be wonderful

this idea is that there are too many naysayers when it comes to government and governance. We rely on governments to keep us safe from murders, to look after our health needs and to provide a safety net for us if all goes wrong in our personal lives. different government levels cater for different needs. Needs concerning international pollution and crime need to be dealt with by effective global governance. I vote that the people of the world should start switching from being negative about global governance to positive about global governance. Think about it for just a minute. Nationalism is inspired by your natural tribalism. There is nothing wrong with that. And it feeds a fear of rampant immigration, and there is nothing wrong with that fear, either. That fear is understandable. It is natural, and it is right. But that does not mean we should leave our brains at the door when we talk about global rules about anything. international issues affect us at a local level more and more, every single day. people need to work together to find ways to address the vacuum in international governance that allows bad international actors to affect our lives in negative way. that does not mean we need a world government. It can just mean supporting stronger powers and better systems and processes in current international agencies. But we have to actually support them to allow them to grow better. governance is a force for freedom, not repression. It is a force for light, not darkness.
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