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Vote yes to global tax system?

I doubt you would have heard this news: The United Nations has in August 2024 put forward a proposal for a global tax system that aims to ensure that large multinationals pay their fair share of taxes, regardless of where they operate, and is expected to generate significant additional tax revenues for many countries, especially the underdeveloped. It has majority of support from the people of the world, at least, via their representatives in the UN: 110 countries support 44 abstain 8 oppose Here are some that support: India, Brazil, Indonesia, China, Russia, Egypt, South Africa Here are some that abstain: the whole of the European Union Here are some that oppose: United States, Canada, Australia This idea is: Western governments stop cow tailing to the billionaire and multinational corporates who you rely upon to fund your re-election. Instead, why not start working with the rest of the world to develop a fair international tax system that permits sustainable goals for this planet to be realized?
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