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" these troubled times" - give me a break!

I heard an advertisement on the radio today that started 'In these troubled times.." You have to be kidding me! We had the three hottest days in recorded history last week and Antarctica's temperature spiked by 50 degrees Celsius in a period of 7 days. The poles are melting, forests are burning and despite 28 COPS we have let the baby boomer generation of self entitled hippies go on their merry way putting number 1 first, and then we, the following generations, have slipped into zombie mode and simply followed suit - and now we also watch from the side-lines while our lifestyles cause the planet to burn baby burn not to our loss but to the detriment of the generations to follow. All we do is laze around on our couches scrolling and drive gas guzzling cars to the supermarket to buy plastic wrapped fish from the other side of the world from the refrigeration sections that is kept cold by a coal fired power station. Wake up people! We are sleepwalking into tipping points that are going to be absolutely catastrophic for future generations, exactly because we are not prepared to forego our comforts of today. "In these troubled times..." Give me a break.
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