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Global spending on military v climate change

I recently read: "Global military spending rose by 6.8 percent to an all-time high of $2.4 trillion, driven by conflicts in Ukraine and elsewhere, according to the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI). Russia boosted spending by 24 percent, reaching $109bn in 2023, according to SIPRI’s estimates. Ukraine’s military spending rose by 51 percent, reaching $64.8bn, while it also received $35bn in military aid from its allies, mostly the US." This means the world is spending too much money on countries fighting each other, whereas it should be spending its resources on combatting things like climate change and international crime. For every war there is a solution - respect for other people. The people of the world need to work together to develop stronger systems for global governance. This way, aberrant leaders who do not respect other people and so start wars can be brought to account. If we do this, the need for spending on defence will be reduced, increasing the availability of resources for combatting things like climate change and international crime. So, this idea is that the people of the world need to work together to develop stronger systems for global governance. This will be excellent for all our security.
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