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The role of the media in reporting on climate change

News media is weary of reporting on climate change, because it is , well, not that gripping: "Flood may have been made worse by climate change" doesn't really grab the viewer anymore. "Things could be worse than we thought in 100 years" also doesn't really do it for anyone anymore. But look hard, and there are a thousand angles to cover this emerging crisis in a way that might spark more action: For example: "Tipping point reached" How many people know that it is been discovered very recently Arctic permafrost has now tipped from being a net sink to a net source of global emissions. Given so much of this release is methane, which is 10 times more potent than carbon dioxide, details of this new study and what it means for the urgency of our global efforts to combat emissions should be making front page news. At least, it should not remain unreported. Mainstream media needs to step up big time on this.
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