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Mega Projects to Save the Planet

While we are sleeping, there are a number of scientists around the world that are working on mega projects to save the planet. Massive nets to stabilize glaciers, giant solar power stations in space and big metal machines for direct carbon capture ,to name a few . A few other entrepreneurs are working on alternate plans to colonise another planet. Musk and Bezos to name a couple. This (old warhorse?) idea is that if all their energy and dollars went (for just a few years, not forever) into saving existing ecosystems and regenerating some selected habitats that we have already damaged in the last two hundred years with native trees, that would go a long way to saving this planet for our children. It doesn't involve shiny new machines. But it is doable, and there are hundreds of millions of willing helpers. Seniors especially love projects where they can go camping and fix fences after bushfires, for example. So, this idea is that the money would be best spent on projects that organize us homo sapiens to work together to do what has to be done.
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