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When making laws

Enough with those in power taking power away from marginalised communities under the guise of concern. For unborn babies, for the “fairness of competition” for young girls competing in their local swimming competitions. They do not care if your 14 y/o daughter has fair competition. They don’t care for the “life” that will come from the 10 week along ectopic pregnancy – it will not come anyway, it is not viable. So, I propose that politicians or government bodies making changes to laws that are, by nature, taking rights away from people (in the examples above, be it for trans people to compete, or the right to a safe abortion) – have to prove their commitment to protecting the party they are claiming to protect. It should be necessary to show the other mechanisms being implemented in society that also protect this community, without the possibility of an alternative motivation. A kind of “proof of intention."
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