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Globalism is ok

People's biggest fears about globalization are loss of freedom, and loss of culture. Right? But what bigger risk to your freedom and your culture is there than mass migration of other populations to your part of the world? This is exactly what must happen when people get desperate, ie, when resources become so scarce that people cannot survive in their current locations. As failure to coordinate global policies will result in the continuing diminution of resources, this means desperate times ahead for future generations. For example, as countries upstream dam rivers depriving those downstream, or atmospheric warming melts river source glaciers away - then this will lead to desperation. Just as when people are desperate they do desperate things, when large populations are desperate, it is perfectly possible that huge populations will move 'en masse', without invitation, to locations with more resources. This has already been happening, to an extent, as you can see from societal changes in most western countries. But the point is this: globalism is not to be confused with migration. Globalism is about finding globally coordinated solutions to keep all people with common risks safe in their own countries. A bigger risk than globalism is excessive tribalism, because it prevents us from fixing global problems: To take the words of another idea on this platform from a few years ago: Tribalism - Don't ignore it The recent flight away from globalization, and towards nationalism, is only natural. Faced with accumulated waves of immigration, often supplemented by huge overseas work visa populations, people in many countries are rightly feeling under siege. Their national identities are being threatened. Being a tribal species, this is scary. But because racial discrimination is distasteful, we sometimes lash out at globalism, when what we are really worried about is migration. Lets face it. Tribalism is a natural survival instinct in humans, and on top of that it is drummed into us from childhood. National anthems, footy teams, the language of mateship. But tribalism causes fear of globalism and we need to consider that this might be blocking our ability to achieve global rules that keep people safe." We have natural and understandable fears, born of both nature and nurture, about losing our identity through migration. But that doesn't mean we can't have agreements with people from afar that help to keep the world safe. Once we understand this, we can more easily deal with important international political, trade, scientific and security issues on their merits. Migration and refugee problems will take care of themselves if we have good international policies. In fact, only if we do. So, we must walk and chew gum at the same time. We must keep and accept our own tribal natures, yes, but also, we must be prepared to engage with others from afar. It is essential to the security of future generations that we enter into strong and binding international agreements to implement global policies that keep us all safe. Global politics is no less important to our freedom, welfare and security than our local politics. Arguably more so. So do not be afraid to think and talk world politics. Globalism is OK.
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