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Body Image Distortion Prevention

Ban advertisers and companies from using models (men and women) who weigh 85% of his/her supposed body weight. This is one of the DSM-IV criteria for anorexia. As of now, 70% of the women shown in the media are at least 85% below healthy weight. Young girls are comparing themselves to these women that are unhealthy, thinking that this is the ideal body image. This grossly unhealthy body weight standard promoted by advertisements is a contributing factor to eating disorders across the nation. These advertisements are misleading to the point of harming the public health and should be stopped. The solution is simple, it should be illegal to hire young women as models unless they meet this health requirement of at least 85% of their supposed body weight (this number depends on BMI, weight and height). this idea was posted on by newscale on 3 December 2012, but nothing much has changed, so I am posting it again - as it is an excellent idea.
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