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About Rising Sea Levels...

Media channels, programmes, papers and on- line services provide content that is either mundane or shocking to the people of today, but nothing much about the people of tomorrow. The biggest news for the people of tomorrow is known today, but hardly being reported. It is that due to present day human activities, the icecaps are melting, ecosystems are collapsing and cities will soon be sinking under seawater. Yet the media will focus almost exclusively on the local car crashes, visiting celebrities and the latest war or earthquake, because that is just how it was always done. Times are changing fast, and the media needs to catch up. How many of us know that by 2200 it is incredibly likely that most coastal cities will be partially, if not largely, submerged under seawater unless humankind immediately changes its behaviour? I would think not many, and this is because it has not been brought to our attention. The media needs to catch up with this, the biggest story of the world - for us and them - before it is too late. One paper did a story a couple of months ago. Just to keep you in the loop here are some extracts from their article of June 2023: "Even if the world stopped emitting greenhouse gases immediately – which it will not – sea levels would continue to rise. Even in the best-case scenario, it’s too late to hold back the ocean. ... Over the next 200 years, global mean sea level will rise by about 2-3 metres if warming is limited to 1.5C, but it could double to 2-6 metres if the warming is limited to even a slightly higher figure of 2C. At sustained warming levels of 2-3C, the Greenland and West Antarctic ice sheets will be irreversibly gone. The collapse of major Antarctic ice shelves at the end of the century, followed by increased discharge of ice, could lead to catastrophic sea level rise by 2300 of 9-15 metres, under strong warming. And if global heating advances to 5C, the planet could expect 19-22 metres of sea level rise, wiping out entire cities and countries by the year 2300. Masselink says he is struck by the timescale of global heating impact – the delay between our actions now and future repercussions. “What I’ve always found remarkable is that, while the difference between ‘no more greenhouse gas emissions’ and ‘keep burning’ is significant, it is not going to make that big an impact in the next few decades,” he says. “[Where] it’s going to make a huge difference [is] not for us, but for our children’s children. That’s the difficult thing to get your head around.”" Well done to this on-line news service (The Guardian) and all media who actually report on this, the biggest story of all. This is a massive story, and it is unfolding right now. Report it.
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