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Global Town Hall

Twitter was regarded as something of a Global Town Hall - before it became something else. It would be fair to say it does not now resemble a Global Town Hall. For a start it is branded after its alter ego. This platform is a Global Town Hall. It is open for all people to exchange ideas and vote on those of others. Its ideas are moderated on the Lift and Sift page before being put up for voting. It is independent and has no agenda, just like the walls of a town hall. Best of all, it is designed to be run by the users, not owners or egos. It is a relatively empty town hall right now. But it exists, and that is the object of this platform - to exist for people to use it if they want. So place your idea on now. Anonymous or not. It will be a voice that echos in this town hall for many years to come. It might even be your legacy to the world.
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