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Create a Rudder for Transferring Good Practices

When it comes to government policy on measures to protect the environment, the European Union leads the way. The European Union, despite its administrative complexity, manages to make and enforce rules better than anyone else to: - recycle plastics - protect bees and other pollinators through bans on certain pesticides - adopt the most ambitious targets to emissions - develop world class rewilding programs This idea is that there be a branch of the UN funded by all countries to identify world best practice in one part of the world that are most transferrable to other parts of the world. The idea being that this organization ensures there are no low hanging fruit ideas to clean up the environment that are not being being not picked, simply because information is not passed on; and assist government policy in those far parts of the world in relation to those things that work. Of course, this will work in all directions, not just from the EU to developing countries. If there is a good policy that has been researched and works in one part of the world - in anything really - it will often be known by relevant ministers in the governments of other countries, but not always. It is especially important that low hanging fruit ideas in relation to environment are systematically passed on. It should not depend on chance meetings of government officials from two countries or random interactions for good practices to be transferred from one part of the world to another. So, let's set up an office for ensuring good practices, initially for cleaning up the environment, can be more easily understood by, if not transferred to, other places where those practices might work. These are the things that can shape the direction of the planet. Look upon it as giving this global ship a rudder.
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