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How to Save the World from Climate Catastrophic Change

Simon Sharpe, author of ' Five Times Faster' which is a book on how to accelerate our responses to climate change, is a former advisor to UK government on climate matters and now a leading COP organizer. He pointed out, in an interview, last month: - the problem is real, as on current projections, even with current efforts to fix the problem, London as well as many other cities around the world will be under water by 2150 [this is around the time when your children's children will be alive.] - the time for worrying about your own carbon footprint has actually passed. There is no point eating vegie burgers while the world burns. - what we all individually need to do, now, is think about our points of leverage, ie, how we can best make a difference. He points out that for many of us this might be through voting for the right political party, but also we need to identify opportunities elsewhere. For example, a teacher is better teaching ways of combatting climate change than just insulating their classroom to make it more energy efficient; and an advertising agent can decline work from known polluters. He is right. There is no point riding your bike to work and eating veggie burgers while global carbon emissions continue to climb and the world becomes a hothouse for our children's children. Yes, they are still climbing. We all need to do what it takes for the emissions graph to fall off a cliff, now. So: To utilise one vanishingly small bit of leverage, but leverage nonetheless, that you have on the world, click 'vote', here, for way more policy action by governments to address climate change. Let's face it, people can't hear you thinking. Right?
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