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The "net" in "net-zero"

Shell and BP have both announced plans for growing natural gas businesses, while also having pledged to net-zero. How does this work? Well, "net-zero" rather than just "zero" is the target, as we know some sectors are almost impossible to decarbonise. Hence, "net-zero" provides a path to "effective" zero, through offsets. This is a good thing. However, the concept is being used as a means of getting around the real goal here: to cut emissions. This should be the goal, everywhere that it possibly can be. We cannot rely on technology, that doesn't yet exist, to come in and save the day later. Sectors that can achieve zero emissions, should strive for this. So, what next? Change the language and laws surrounding emissions goals. Sectors that can decarbonise, should decarbonise, as much as possible. Go back to the root of the problem: emissions. The simplest solution? Cut emissions where they can be cut, offset where they cannot. Regulation surrounding which sectors can offset emissions versus cut emissions is the best way to make "net-zero" mean something real again.
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