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Voting young

The idea is to introduce voluntary voting for people aged 14-17. Here's why: With the rise of social media and increased access to information, it's becoming increasingly obvious that young people care about big issues. Young people have always had the potential to make great impact, and historically they have. Take Connor McLeod for example, who was a 13 year old when he petitioned for tactile banknotes to help the vision-impaired community. Louis Braille invented braille at the age of 15. Greta Thunberg was also 15 when starting School Strike 4 Climate. One needs only to spend 10 minutes on the internet to realise that these examples are not anomalies in their activism. Teenagers are aware, (often self-) educated, and passionate. Now more than ever the decisions of governments are affecting the future of the Youth. The Youth should have a say in that- if they want.
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