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Unconventional approaches to communicating science

In a new initiative, climate scientists are being paired with top comedians with the aim of driving home the message about the climate crisis. Odd at first thought, considering humour is perhaps the last response when considering the dire state of the environment. But the idea makes sense: it's translating the science into hard-hitting sketches that will reach people outside of the climate science community (+ the few others outside of it who actually take the time to read reports such as the latest from the IPCC). Hence this left-field approach has the potential to get the messages out to people who were otherwise effectively inaccessible to those originally communicating the message (the IPCC). Plus, this approach draws on the skills of the communicator, effectively employing comedians to do that part of the job, while the scientists do what they do best: sciencing. Through this type of framework, important messages can be well communicated to the population, reaching audiences that were otherwise out of reach. Perhaps this could become a regular means of communicating science to the masses.
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