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AI generated articles and images must be acknowledged as such

I know this sounds like another layer of regulation. But when you think about it, this is for our protection. Can you imagine that would happen if people with real power to make decisions that can start wars are influenced by people who are influenced by deep fake images or AI generated misinformation? In short, you could be the victim of a war started over a misunderstanding caused bhy all this new technology. Can you imagine the sound of bombs falling from the sky towards your home? This is why we need to vote for these things in peacetime, not later. Vote here for at least the threat of real penalties for people who produce and disperse AI generated articles without acknowledgment of such, or AI generated false imaging - especially deep fake stuff that is intended to mislead. There are countless examples of misinformation causing wars to start. We don't want that anymore. Some international laws to govern the use of this new technology are needed.
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