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Ways to be greener this Christmas or any that come after

Here I propose 6 ways you can green up your Christmas activities. 1. Buy secondhand. If you are organising a Kris Kringle, make the theme second-hand. 2. If you do buy some things brand-new, which is fair enough, make them sustainable. Gift ideas: keep cups, potted plants, cloth shopping bags, experiences. Or anything bought locally will have travelled a shorter distance to reach you. 3. Get a potted Christmas tree! And watch it grow over the years. 4. Use newspaper to wrap your gifts. 5. Use solar-powered Christmas lights. 6. Make enough food. Don't overdo it. And if you do, make it your Christmas Day to NYE challenge to get through your leftovers. Of course there are more, and we can always do better, but these are some things I like to keep in mind. Merry Christmas!
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