top_idea_big TOP IDEA Voted number 1 of its week

Musk say no to dull minority!

1. Free speech is impeded by hate speech, disinformation and conspiracy theories (the big 3). This is because they bury the truth, create meaningless dialogues and dissuade people who have something truly valuable to say from participating at all. 2. The big 3 are however the generators of mass engagement, because they spark interest among the the dull minority. By 'dull minority' I mean the huge cohort of people who engage in the big 3 and therefore project high traffic, but who are nevertheless very much a minority of people in the world. 3. Twitter is at the moment heading in the direction of trying to be more profitable. To do that, it is , by sacking a lot of moderators and content supervisors. The big 3 and the spammers to boot surely have to proliferate in such an environment, it is just inevitable. 5. Because the big 3 will flourish in such an environment Musk is in fact taking Twitter in a direction that is heading away from free speech. 6. Elon Musk has always called Twitter a global town square. 7. This idea is that with only a quarter of his wealth in Twitter, Elon Musk could now take responsibility for the town square by pivoting and making Twitter not for profit, and moderating it against the big 3. 8. My guess is that if he does this, Twitter will, over time, become so widely used that it might even accidentally make a profit one day. 9. Vote here for Twitter to say no the dull minority and yes to meaningful free speech!
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