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If authoritiarian rule is working for climate policy, let it be

China installed 80% of the world's new offshore wind capacity last year, produced 80% of the worlds global solar energy (including 60% of all solar panels worldwide) and ranked first in the world in new forest coverage. This follows years of one child policy that spared the world from even greater overpopulation than it has at the moment. It has essentially gifted the world the benefits of less people, and it is they who must now meet the challenge of supporting its ageing demographic with a drastically reduced workforce in coming decades. Sure, they have some problems: Excessive state surveillance and curtailment of free speech Human rights But many other countries and governments have problems of their own. So this idea is that China and its way of government can and should be respected in 2022. They are leading the charge on renewables, on turning the global grey skies blue. There is nothing to be gained by global actors trying to agitate for change in the political situation in China, to bring down a government that is absolutely critical right now in helping bring the globe out of the once in a millennium existential risk.
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