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Waste Disposal: traffic light system

This idea is to have different colored lights on domestic bins, to nudge us in the right direction. But I will come to that in a moment. I live in an area that is trialling a new waste system. The bins are: - General waste - Organic waste - Recycling (no glass) - Glass recycling We will apparently soon be getting a soft plastics recycling too. The crux of the idea I’m posting is to get people thinking more consciously about where their rubbish goes. As an aside to the general idea, I think it would be helpful to change the name “general waste” (on the bins) to “landfill”. Thus every time you throw something out, you have the subtle but conscious reminder of where that something will end up. Which leads me (sort of) to my next point: to improve our waste habits, disposing of it should not be a mindless/subconscious action. If each bin has a simple sign on it - a traffic light coloor - indicating the “scale of badness” (for lack of a better phrase) of that type of disposal. Eg. Landfill - Red Light! Are you sure there isn’t another bin that could go? Could you rinse the tuna can and chuck it in the (Green Light!) recycling bin?
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