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Win-win! Stockmarket - Predicting winners

The International Sustainability Standards Board (ISSB), established at COP26 to develop a comprehensive global baseline of sustainability disclosures for capital markets, holds the key to unleashing trillions of dollars in private and pension funds into the stock market. Still in its consultation phase, the Board is racing towards the issuing of sustainability credentials benchmarks for publicly listed companies that will guide investment funds around the world. Says its chair Emmanuel Faber: "Rarely do governments, policymakers and the private sector align behind a common cause. However, all agree on the importance of high-quality, globally comparable sustainability information for the capital markets. These proposals define what information to disclose, and where and how to disclose it. " It is not for me to give investment advice on this site or at all. But it seems to me to be highly likely that when the guidelines are finalized early next year, there will be an absolute stampede of investment money from the biggest funds in the world to those stocks that look like they are going to achieve the the highest standard environmental credentials by reference to the ISSB criteria. Now, it only takes a bit of your own research to tell you which publicly listed companies are serious about their climate credentials. So, if you want to make a bomb next year, maybe have a poke around on the net and invest in those kinds of stocks now. Just sayin. (you will remember this post next year at some point...)
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