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The importance of being Self-Sufficient

I have written previously about opposition to globalism being, in reality, about immigration. People do not want to lose their culture to foreigners taking over their territory, but, at the same time, they quite like other people and cultures. People quite like globalization without mass migration. Similarly, it is possible to be economically bound to the rest of the world and self sufficient at the same time, and we all need to do this. There will be geographical disasters from time to time, and, of course, we have made ourselves prone to technological disasters - either by the hand of man, or caused by a geological disaster, such as the Carrington event of 1866. This idea is that responsible government in all communities must include a back up plan. That is to say, no community should be totally reliant on the outside world to survive. It is possible to be a global citizen/community and self sufficient at the same time. Those that do this will be rewarded when the time comes.
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