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Treaty for all countries to allocate X % of their military funds to climate change

The new US climate policy is the biggest of its kind in our history and may even bring us within range of meeting our climate agreements. Nevertheless it still amounts to less than 5% of what is spent on military. This is a global trend - the proportion of money committed to combating climate change vs. that spent on military is even lower in other countries. This clearly shows that we are not yet treating CC for the threat it is- still considering each other the worse threat. A global treaty to have all countries contribute XX % of their announced military funding to climate change could be a way around the hesitance to redirect some military funds to the real threat of the world. If we all do it, then no one can lose out. The treaty could be posed as a kind of "global military" - we are literally fighting a war. I propose a climate agreement that actually has teeth, like this one, is brought to the table for discussion in Egypt in November.
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