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UN Security Council is Pathetic

Three months have passed since the Russian Invasion of Ukraine. We have all see enough. Putin has orchestrated the whole thigs to impose his vision of the world on everyone by force, and it has not worked and has caused massive bloodshed dislocation. Children are needlessly being killed or traumatised for life every day that the war continues. The hardship extends to people across the world, particularly poorer countries that are now suffering food shortages. The Security Council are the self appointed countries who in 1945 were given absolute power to maintain peace in the world. Just because Russia is one of those countries does not mean they must do nothing. There is no reason that they cannot ask Russia to step out of the room due to their conflict of interest, and pass resolutions that will have the effect of ending the war. It is pathetic that instead they sit on their hands while this unnecessary war unfolds. If they continue to do nothing, then the Security Council system needs to be abandoned.
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