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Rights of the Children in Afghanistan

Virtually every country in the world has signed onto the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child. Yet the world sits idle while children are suffering. For example, children are being sold in Afghanistan, because their parents can't afford to keep them. The point of international conventions is questionable while we live in a world where sovereignty does not permit anyone to consider enforcing a right that is being deprived within the borders of another country. There needs to be an enforcement agency that is run by a body representing all people in the world. It is time for the superpowers that have ensconced themselves as veto members of the United Nations to let go of their power, for the benefit of all people and the world environment. Those veto powers are an invisible barrier to pragmatic global governance, and the structure needs to change. This is not about a New World Order, this is about an Old World Order that is not working for the children of the world , the environment of the world or the future of the world.
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