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Happy New Year crew

Now that we have hijacked the ship, and taken complete control of this planet and everything on it, accidentally or not, we are changed with a responsibility to look after it. We might be accidental custodians of Earth, but custodians we are. . As such, we are all crew members, of a sort, each with a role to play in looking after this vessel of ours. For many, the whole notion of chipping in and doing our bit as a global citizen is impossible. We are not sailors. It is not our fault. But at the end of the day, it is nobody's fault. It is just ours to fix. So, we need to get on with it. is the world hands you an inch of the mainsail rope for you to pull on it if you want to, and do your bit. Because the more of us that do our bit, the better the chance we can still turn this ship around. On the eve of 2022, I put forward this idea, that we can all pull on a rope by engaging with each other on the internet, to make things right. Rules will come with time. But for now, it is all hands on deck. You can start here. See you all on the website and app in 2022!!
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