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Mandatory carbon offset for flyers

Major airlines report that only ~ 10% off passengers choose the option to carbon offset their flight. Is this due climate change denialism? Lack of trust in airlines? Probably both, among others. (Of course, “others” including genuine monetary concerns - particularly for people who need to fly in the case of an emergency and have limited funds. Likely less often the case, and certainly not accounting for the statistics.) Perhaps airlines should be encouraged to better promote this offset potential, with transparent and active advertising of the organisations to which the money is going. Or, alternatively, the offset should be mandatory. It’s our responsibility to clean up after ourselves - travellers need to be willing to do what they can do minimise their impact. Of course, this offsetting doesn’t solve the problem of emissions. But it’s better than nothing. And a large part of this no doubt comes down to climate awareness. Another area in which we need to drastically improve.
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