digital currency

The world of the digital currency is the future, virtuously cashless, society that we are all heading towards. Digital currency is different to cryptocurrency. Our digital currencies will be issued by our central banks, not by crypto mining profiteers. This will allow governments to better control their currencies and help maintain the stability of financial markets. It is coming soon. China is leading the way, having already successfully adopted this new way of doing money in certain places. Japan, South Korea and Europe are not far behind. Direct exchanges of digital currency between governments and people, and between people and people, will diminish the need for banks. The US dollar will lose its status. Governments will hopefully share their learnings from pilot programs with other governments, including underdeveloped countries. And within countries, governments should be starting to educate themselves, as that is one of their jobs. The countries that keep pace with the technology, and what works and doesn't work, will have the edge.
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