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Enriching society

Studies have shown that when kids are asked what they want to do when they grow up, they say a job that contributes meaningfully to society. Our current societal mindset of wealth = material growth does not encourage this - instead kids are encouraged to work hard so that they can have more, not so that they can do more. Many would reasonably argue that the current capitalism model has raised the standard of living and pulled millions of people out of poverty. But abandoning the pursuit of perpetual material growth does not mean economies and human growth will stagnate. We know that once people have "enough" (ie access to clean housing, electricity, good food etc), the correlation between material wealth and happiness caps out. Whether you agree with this idea or not, perpetual material growth is not possible while we remain on earth; the planet does not have the resources. Business models built on human growth, on the other hand, that enrich and serve society, will not run into the same resource caps. There is no theoretical limit to our richness when measured by unmaterialistic metrics, eg fulfilment. So the idea is to shift the mood. If you are a business owner, ask yourself what services are provided by your product. And most importantly, everyone - encourage your kids to serve society over themselves.
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