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The Great Pause

There is an increasing argument for "The Great Pause" - where we all slow our travel and consumption while we green up the grids of the planet and plant lots of trees. The Great Pause will last, say, 10 years while all countries: - green up their power grids and those of developing countries - re-wild tracts of land nominated as suitable for rehabilitation - reduce polluting travel by, for example, consensual global taxes on non essential air travel with revenue to go to renewable projects in developing countries - reducing global consumption by, for example, governments subsidizing recycling and reuse schemes rather than encouraging cheap imports None of the above measures limit the ability of any person to lead a full and free life, or your, the reader's, capacity to think, act, communicate, learn and grow in complete freedom and security. They do, however, recognize a social contract - in same the sense we pay taxes for hospitals in our communities. It is just that this social contract is to permit future generations to enjoy the same opportunities to be free and secure as we have today. These steps would represent a noble sacrifice of the people of today. A gesture from us to future generations, to permit them to have a real chance of living in a world that is not afflicted by global conflict that must otherwise be inevitable in the context of a desperate and resource depleted planet. And, in 10 years, you can still return to being your worst self, if you choose: polluting and overconsuming as much as you like!
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